Saturday, March 20, 2004

"knowledge is only a step between two questions"
from code blue at the Genome Zoo by Barbara Damashek

"...information is really defined only by what it's related to, and how it's related. There really is little else to meaning."
from Weaving the Web by Tim Berners-Lee

On the Road to Paradise
Spring swept into the house, a pile of white blossoms
from trees outside getting ready for the next big push,
a pile of white blossoms dispensed before leaf-making

as a poem arrives in my email box with its own root-making
story, an evening of diaphanous beings, him and I,
root displaying its credits on damask sheets

as lucky dog licks juicy thigh to make a performance piece
counting how well he did, awards, even the way
an encore performance can send him further than night.

It's all good, what almost happened last night, my love,
but get real. I want to know who you are, and how you feel.

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